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Batterienfeuerwerk 100 Schuss

Golden Mountains:   Red Comet Tail to Red Blink Willow

Golden Mountains

100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 25sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, I-Shape [YOUTUBE] g3zI77lv0Bk [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Falling Leaves Waterfall:   Silver Tiger Tali to Colorful Falling Leaves / Silver Tiger Tails to   Bro

Falling Leaves Waterfall

100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 30sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Fan-Shape [YOUTUBE] 8Kdp2zz1qpU [/YOUTUBE]
€ 0,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Flash Waterfalls:   Blue Stars Mine, Brocade Crown Tail to Brocade Crown,Red Blink Tail   to G

Flash Waterfalls

100 Schuss, Höhe: 50m, Zeit: ca. 30sec, Kaliber 38-45, Kategorie F4, W-Shape [YOUTUBE] HsOY06usuyg [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Toronto:   Silver Tail to Red Blink, Green Blink, Silver Spinner to Red Coconut w.


100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 30sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Fan-Shape [YOUTUBE] tmsUqgmC9WQ [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Madagascar:   Red Tail to Red Coconut, Green Tail to Green Coconut, Purple Tail to   Pur


100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 30sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Z-Shape [YOUTUBE] GJcBrgjptMc [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Bankok:   Red Blink Mine, Silver Spinner, Brocade Crown King, Red Blink, Gold   Coco


100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 25sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, I-Shape [YOUTUBE] NXAeZYP0Cg8 [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Rios:   Crackling Flower Mine w. Blue Stars, Gold Wave Coconut w. Blue   Stars, Br


100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 60sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, I-Shape [YOUTUBE] 2TqFboMyzF8 [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Madera:   Red Tail to Silver Spiders w. Red Dahlias, Green Tail to Silver Spiders


100 Schuss, Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 40sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, I-Shape [YOUTUBE] vgfBE5schnI [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Royal Red/Silver Glittering Comets:   Red Blinking Mines and White Strobe Tails

Royal Red/Silver Glittering Comets

100 Schuss (leise), Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 25sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Z-Shape [YOUTUBE] -iONxqJ655E [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Royal Green/Gold Glittering Comets:   Green Blinking Mines and Golden Titanium Strobe Tails

Royal Green/Gold Glittering Comets

100 Schuss (leise), Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 25sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Z-Shape [YOUTUBE] ufCWh3qriw0 [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Spinning Fish:   Silver Spinning Tails to Multicolor Fish

Spinning Fish

100 Schuss (leise), Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 43sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Z-Shape [YOUTUBE] dQQgDCanN1s [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Powerfull:   Blue Mines to Colorful Falling Leaves


100 Schuss (leise), Höhe: 45m, Zeit: ca. 15sec, Kaliber 30, Kategorie F4, Z-Shape [YOUTUBE] Q2bLiw2G8vc [/YOUTUBE]
€ 1,-
inkl. 20% MwSt. zzgl. Versand